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0261 95 25 20

Montag-Freitag: 09:00-16:00 Uhr

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MET (Meridian-Energie-Tapping)

MET (Meridian-Energie-Tapping)

ab 340 EUR

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  • 20 Unterrichtsstunden 

  • Studienform: Online 

  • Meridian Energie Tapping (MET), also known as tapping, is a well-known practice to help with anxiety, stress or negative emotions. Our exclusive online seminar on MET offers you the tools to manage and release negative emotions, reduce stress, and improve the overall emotional health. In this hands-on course, you will learn: The fundamentals of MET and how it works. Techniques to identify and tap on meridian points to release emotional blockages. How to apply MET in various situations such as personal growth and healing. Practical exercises to incorporate MET into ones daily routine. Why You Should Attend: • Practical Knowledge: Gain immediately applicable tips and techniques for daily use. Interactive Approach: Engage in exercises and practice sessions to deepen your understanding. • Expert Guidance: Learn from an experienced instructor specialized in MET and emotional health with 20 years of experience • Networking: Connect with other participants and expand your professional network. The seminar is well suited for coaches, therapists and everybody working in people-helping professions.

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  • Seit Gründung 1976 wurden mehr als 1.000.000 Menschen in Themen rund um Gesundheit und Naturheilkunde ausgebildet.
  • Mit 54 Akademiestandorten in Deutschland und der Schweiz ist Paracelsus der unangefochtene europäische Marktführer in der Naturheilkunde Ausbildung.
  • Alle Seminare finden „live“ mit Dozenten und Teilnehmern statt, keine „Aufzeichnungen“.


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